True Solutions: Bottom-up approaches to the global food crisis
This week each national section of FIAN International responds to the panorama of violations to the right to food, the climate crisis and the dismantling of the human rights system, sharing experiences of tackling the food crisis and generating solutions for food sovereignty and autonomy.
We present “True solutions: bottom-up approaches to the global food crisis”, based on experiences from around the world. These include urgent agroecological transformation, sustainable fisheries and grassroots mobilizations to protect human rights-based food systems.
Communities and grassroots organizations are organizing themselves in the face of increasing hunger and malnutrition, setting an example to international institutions that are failing to address the structural causes of hunger. They are finding alternatives to the industrial food system, despite being directly affected by growing inequality, land and natural resource grabbing, dispossession and the commodification of nature.
They are seeking to break center-periphery and North-South asymmetries and neocolonial relations that are perpetuated in climate transition policies which often amount to green colonialism. They are making it clear that the global South does not want to remain a subaltern space to be exploited, destroyed and reconfigured, according to the needs of capital accumulation.
And they are embracing a transformative eco-social approach, achieving food sovereignty in ecosocial harmony to safeguard the right to food for all.
Another world is not only possible, we are already building it from the bottom up, with organization and mobilization, from the grassroots, from our streets, neighborhoods, villages and communities. Communities are going to the root causes of problems, confronting corporate capture, greenwashing and neocolonial practices embedded in false solutions to the climate, ecological and food crises.
For more information or media interviews, please contact Amanda G. Córdova